Friday, February 18, 2011


WCN Transmedia Group recognizes Mr. Ronald McDonald, our Legacy Transmedia Award Designee for the WCN Social Media Awards that we have been formulating.  For more than 40 years Ronald McDonald has been active in the restaurant/hospitality industry:

To keep it real, I always thought of the name Ronald McDonald being synonymous to the famous Clown I grew up with.  You know a made-up Brand name.  To discover at 53-years-old that Ronald McDonald is “real” is like discovering that Santa Claus really does exist!  Thinking about the Transmedia connection one must understand both the innovation and branding strategy that took McDonalds from a single restaurant to the Mega Global Master Brand that it is today.

Mr. McDonald, on behalf of my kids and the hundreds of millions around the world, we thank you for all the jobs you have created, the countless sponsorships and philanthropic programs that you have created with McDonald’s, to the work McDonald’s does with Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
As we continue to position Transmedia Brandcasting to create opportunity for more production in television, movies, and music videos, we also celebrate this visionary who also owns 100% of 10th Power Media.  According to Mr. McDonald’s website, 10th Power Media is developing a library of 25,000- "How-To-Videos".  What an amazing Transmedia opportunity to extend his many successes through instructional videos!  Which brings to mind: how many things would you like to learn HOW TO DO?

By now it may be clear that “I WANNA LAUNCH A GLOBAL BRAND”, and literally for almost 10 years I have typed in the question to Ask Jeeves "HOW DO YOU LAUNCH A TELEVISION NETWORK?"
What is so inspiring is how Social Transmedia Brandcasting opportunities abound? 

Today I had the pleasure of visiting with Hugh Fitzpatrick, a Social Media Junkie, at New England Title who has positioned himself to become one of New England's Social Real Estate Transmedia Brandcaster. What makes him a Social Media Junkie is his passion for service and How To's.  Success leaves clues and if you have a passion that is alligned with the right brand and right audience of fans.  Well the Magic begins were win wins life the nation out of financial crisis.  Check out his Youtube Channel.

Here's the Key Question:
What are the Transmedia Brandcasting opportunities for McDonald’s and Mr. McDonald to engage a socially networked audience like Hugh's?

Recently I was given $100K worth of Free Branding Advice in Just Three Words. And as such I freely pass this along to you now. From Mr. McDonalds’ hands to Hugh Fitzpatrick’s, of New England Title a Social 
Media Junkie who asked for my guidance, this could be worth a million dollars or more of Branding Advice. But what about a “Transmedia Brandcasting” approach? 
Remember- that Social Communities are more than IP Addresses, tracked by cookies and bots and 
what not.
Read Full Article
Transmedia is the art of understanding pop culture, or full on ethnic cultures to reach what is germane to the Artist-Fan relationship and/or Innovator and Customer.  But what causes that Artist and that Fan to invite a brand's participation.  Is it a cause-based marketing?  We understand that it’s covering all the bases. Mobile, TV, Print, Radio, Outdoor and of course all of the Social Media Badges that companies like, and, provide as a way to blast a social network forward. 

Has anyone ever been guilty of getting carried away?  I had to laugh yesterday when one of my Group members said: “Jay your are dominating the conversation.”  To which I told him: “Great,” made him a moderator and told him, “ I was going to Disney World. “ (Of course I am still here writing this)
So mistakes are part of the process, no need to stress-out, as I may have never had to learn that Ronald McDonald walks Terra Firma. 

So back to the Hugh Fitzpatrick from Massachusetts, an Attorney and Owner of several Real Estate Companies, who yet has a passion for Social Media.  Very candidly, he told me that Lawyers just don't do this and the Banks still don't quite comprehend the fact that the days of wine and roses are over if business continues as usual.

So with a little training he began a dual-career in Social Media Broadcasting on the net.  Here is what I love about Transmedia Brandcasting, you are witnessing it right now.  In just a single Blog posting; I will tell you more about that in a minute.  We shared a few ideas about our respective ideas about his passion, and the fact that his YouTube Channel is developing a following that grew in appreciation of his service.
Hugh- if you could see my first television show, it was shot in Atlanta at WATC and was called “CASHFLOW: THE KEY TO CREDIT MANAGEMENT AND HOMEOWNERSHIP.” I believe the distribution was about 5-Million homes several years ago. This show was born out of my losing a home sold to me by a woman and her husband for Mortgage and Real Estate Fraud.
So as an appreciated Professional Attorney he asks me to review his Social Media Strategy when he has not even thought about how to monetize his videos using Transmedia Brandcasting.

The fact that you have read this far is a testimony to how an obscure little blog like this one can TRANSFORM lives.  So Hugh in addition to this Blog post- I would like to nominate you for a WCN Social Transmedia Nomination for Social Real Estate Professionals, and award you with more work as the New Moderator of the WCN Transmedia Real Estate Group on Linkedin.
Click Here for a Free Invitation to Join

If You have a passion for others, and expanding the revenue stream from Transmedia Brancsting, it is time for the communities to experience the prosperity.  Oil Companies are earning record profits as with many industries.  Let us use a Social Media example so that the Oil Executives don't consider that I am picking on them.  Google offered Groupon 6-Billion dollars and they will either be deemed as the Smartest Group of Social Media Executives in 2011 or (well you fill in the blank)  ____________ Social Media Executives of 2011.  Time will tell.  But let’s examine it as a Customer of Groupon and as a Groupon Business.  If Groupon has received that influx of cash, how many people do you think would have benefited?  Would Google and Groupon have shared the love like The Customer Advantage did?  And should Google still have 6 Billion or so to throw around this company, which is in turn providing opportunity to the Social Small Business Community?  Hugh and I agree on one thing to stimulate the economy and to create jobs companies who reach Mega Status, who rely on the Community for revenue, need to understand the Circle of Life of dollars have fed back into those Social Networking Diodes and Screen Elements. 

Real People, Real Families are hurting.  Losing homes to Foreclosure, MERS telling lenders to stop Foreclosing in their names has brought up the number of lawsuits. 

So as I applaud the legacy of Mr. Ronald McDonald, I have one huge big Up for a Social Transmedia Real Estate Attorney who has more than 50 Videos which show his growth and preparation for Social Transmedia Real Estate Rock Star Status:  Hugh is one to watch for and WCN looks forward to great things as we get him ready for Prime Time!

Okay, now I have mentioned McDonald’s, Ken Carbone, Hugh Kirkpatrick and below, is an Article by the beloved Jane McGrath about the McDonald’s Real Estate History and how they developed a symbiotic relationship between Franchisees and McDonald’s as one Restaurant-at-a-time to become the world's largest Real Estate Company that happens to sell hambugers and the best fries in the world.  I am just saying: “you gotta keep it real.”  Love McDonald’s or Hate McDonald’s for the breakdown of the family dinner hour.
From the architecture and Kids’ Centric Parks to the Franchises that gauged their success by locating their business next to another one. Mr. Ronald McDonald, Thank you for connecting to my professional network on Linkedin.  You are obviously a Master Transmedia Storyteller, every year, Entrepreneur is inspired by what you have achieved.

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