Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WCN TRANSMEDIA SHOWCASE: The Customer Advantage – Groupon's 6 Billion Dollar Mistake ??? January 2011 SOCIAL BUSINESS AWARD NOMINIEE

Invitation Only Link
Recently I presented a similar concept to Groupon, they weren't interested.  I think they may learn to regret that one.  Here is a credible competitor to the Groupon Concept that share revenue with both the businesses and discounts to the consumers with a twist.  What is the Transmedia Storytelling opportunity coupled with Social Brandcasting a business? As success leaves clues, I have left a few "Invitation Only" hotlinks to allow you to get more information and yes start making money also for FREE!!

A retail store offers a discount of say, $12.95 seafood platter for $6.95. The store participating then lets the offer run for a set amount of time. One particular offer was a photography studio offering 55% off their regular prices and as of the last day of the offer they had sold 151 package deals.

The power is in volume. The more people purchase the more of a discount the participating store offers the public. It’s group buying. The Customer Advantage is group buying power.

Now, there is a company that has formed called The Customer Advantage. Unlike the other company this company is offering to share revenue of 5% to people who promote the services to businesses and online friends and internet marketers. It is a business opportunity as well.

5% may not seem like a lot but with the way this new competitor is spreading the word it won’t take long to build an organization of 100s or even 1000s of people and businesses that want participate. It’s actually free to join.

The Customer Advantage will be the company to watch.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=YrSZCDeEgSE&vq=large Check out this Groupon CBS Spot
