Friday, February 4, 2011

How can a Social Media Online Video Strategy Transform Your Bank Account in 2011? Hosted By Jay O'Conner Chairman & CEO WCNTV.TV


Success leaves clues, and I have activated certain images and  links which will provide a path to improving your finances in 2011. Its a Knowbranier.

Jay O'Conner, Chairman & CEO
World Colours Network Television
Advocate for Social Media Brandcasting 

Everywhere you look, Social Media Experts are cropping up to position themselves for the tsunami of expected Advertising expenditures - predicted by PWC Global Entertainment group, some 2.2 Trillion USD, by 2011. 

Here is the question: How can a Social Media Online Video Strategy transform your bank account in 2011?

I started thinking about this the day I saw the report some 3 years ago, about this prediction.  Now that we are one month into 2011, I cannot help but dream about a convergent media world where quality content gates are opened to a waiting audience who quite frankly are tired of subsidizing re-runs. 

If this were a head to head competition between social media and mainstream media for those ad dollars, which would prevail as the winner?  Or is there room for a shared strategy? I read everything I can get my hands on about Social Media and Traditional Media, the mergers and acquisitions, the collectives between companies to hedge their bets with, Crackle, and the wrangling back and forth to create a revenue model that would support a “Friends” type Production Budget. 

I remember reading where Les Moonves of CBS was yet to embrace how he could spend Millions on Production, only to receive pennies in income from a World Wide Web release.

Well, here we are now and even us “Social Media Experts” are toying around with the duplication of the TV experience like TV does in the UK Freeview Market.  What is quite unique about this model is that it is an extension to a broadcast or cable ad buy, but it still just another Spray and Pray model which is clearly underutilizing the potential of engaging communities, and the one to one marketing that is possible as we launch global brands.

Men remember when Dad taught you to shave.  What razor did he use?  And what do you use today?  Ladies remember when the soaps were sponsored and brought to you by the makers of SOAP and related products to make your life easier.  How many Ivory Girls are still using Ivory today?

Brandcasting Social Media content with product placement very well could be the advance that brings maximum value to both the viewer/consumer and the Advertisers who are picking up the costs directly or indirectly for TV’s existence.


I think most will agree that Television is a merchandising tool for Advertisers to cost effectively reach a mass audience.  A series of Superbowl ads placed by propelled their company before the 1000’s of others who got their Network Solutions Rights to resell.  Groupon has used SEO Search investments to take a concept that most would passively agree was a nice to do to save a few bucks into a multibillion dollar enterprise which is bursting records and turning down 6 Billion from Google.  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for those discussions...!  What does Groupon know about the socialization of Couponing that WH Green stamps missed?  (Really telling my age!)  Or could Craigslist have missed an opportunity to maximize on its community approach to Classified Ads.

Can the magazines that we love have sponsors and advertisers who bring them to life by allowing readers to see the process at work and the actual magazine itself via streaming video.  By allowing user collaborations even in the creation of future issues through a symbiotic relationship, establishing a real two way communication between the Editors and the community of readers/viewers.  We know the customers are talking to each other already, but, is your brand in the discussion? And can this transformative Social TV movement expand the revenue base for publishers who incorporate a social strategy for their existing advertisers?

Bottom Line Content is King, and the best of the best will always do well, however social media networking allows for both a voice and a revenue opportunity should all the stars line up.  Every King needs a Kingdom and while traditional media is holding court, the challenge to bridge the gap to remain profitable using PUSH will fade and margins will diminish and Social TV will have its opportunity to live.
And those who can read a tea leaf or two, needs only to position themselves quickly and take massive immediate action to ensure they don’t become road kill for Google, Apple and Facebook as the new Masters of the Media Universe emerge.  And yes, you can have a kingdom of followers, however the quantum growth potential of the revenue for Social Media Brandcasting (broadcasting).

Kingdom or Universe.  You decide!!  Google YouTube and Facebook to date don’t have to worry about licensing content because they built a Universe where 500 Million and counting Facebook users spend hours entertaining themselves, playing games and escaping reality.  

For more information and a Free Brandcasting Analysis contact us.

Jay O'Conner
Chairman & CEO
World Colours Network Television

About World Colours Network Television: WCN is a Fashion, Music and Sports Lifestyle Channel offering programming that supports our mission: "To Bridge the Gap Change Mindsets and Transform Cultures through Love, Acceptance and Global Diversity programming. WCN will allow viewers to purchase items seen without traditional commercial interruptions providing a new paradigm for merchandising.

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