Thursday, February 17, 2011


WCN TRANSMEDIA recognizes that Transmedia is the relationship between the Artist and the Fan yet getting mainstream distribution to hit critical mass is a opportunity that escapes most filmmakers.  As we examine "What on Earth" Film Trailer and website packed with offers.  How would you recommend Filmmakers like Susanne use Transmedia Brandcasting to increase distribution and revenue?

Check out Susanne's offer and website for more information.

A personal message from Suzanne Taylor... I never set out to be a filmmaker.

But the moment I first witnessed the awesome mystery and beauty of the crop circles, everything changed.
Somehow, the circles and their secrets filled me with a sense of wonder, of joy... and of hope (for myself, for humanity, for our world).
Above all, I was filled with the desire to share this incredible experience.
With everyone. Everywhere.
So I became a filmmaker. I made "What On Earth?"
And now, after many years, many adventures and most importantly, many meetings with wonderful friends all over the planet...

In a giant effort to share the wonder, power and mystery of the circles with the world, and to bring this experience to
YOU, an extraordinary group of experts and organizations have joined forces with me to offer the bonus gifts below...

PLUS... When you order the DVD today (which includes the 81-minute feature film and an hour of DVD extras), you'll not only have instant access to this wonderful selection of valuable bonus gifts, but you'll also get a special 20% DISCOUNT! This is a limited time offer, though -- please give this your attention immediately since it's only around for a very short period.
Thanks once again to everyone whose love and support made "What On Earth?" a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Am working directly with Suzanne Taylor who is having her New York premiere in New York during 21-29 April 2011 ... I am working on getting her a major screening at the United Nations and another at New York University, her alma mater ... for more information contact
    Vinanti Castellarin at email:
