Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is Rap Music Responsible for the Riots in London?

Is there a will in the UK and the USA to go beyond the Them VS US mentality and seriously come around with solutions which achieve propseirty and harmony. Or is the salatious more appealing in the competition of life.

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Is Rap Music Responsible for the Riots in London? UK Historian says The Whites have become Black.


Is Rap Music Responsible for the Riots in London?   Historian David Starkey says that; The whites have become black’

A disturbing trend is emerging from the Riots in London.  It seems that Black Culture is the blame specifically Rap Music being blamed for the Riots in the Streets in London according to some who are taking to the airways. 


Having Lived in London it is amazing to hear this outrageous prospective from Historian David Starkey..  What is fascinating is the power of Rap Music that started in US is viewed by the White establishment in the UK......If you think America has got a long way to go to achieve Racial Harmony the UK surely needs a further awakening.  Black people in the UK are so out of the mainstream decision making there is not one Black Leader in the UK that could stand up and even attempt to lead a people that are marginalized at best and none existent in politics and business.

What is fascinating is the power of Rap Music that started in US is viewed by the White establishment in the UK……If you think America has got a long way to go to achieve Racial Harmony. Black people in the UK are so out of the mainstream decision making there is not one Black Leader in the UK that could stand up and even attempt to lead a people that are marginalized at best and nonexistent in politics and business. It’s certainly worth discussing before it happens here. And helping Brits understand as the sister relates to David Starkey who may be intelligent clearly wanted to discuss something else; All in all a very valuable insight into the minds of the people in control in the UK.

What’s your opinion? Can the UK embrace Diversity in its highest towers of institutional power? Isn’t it time for more than just a token presence on TV and Radio. How do we celebrate what is right about our respective cultures and duplicate more positive than the objectification of blacks or Afro-Caribbean’s as being reported as the problem and when White People act like rioters fools they get equal scrutiny as Blacks?

At the end of the day Love, Acceptance, a financial fair playing field & Global Diversity is what is needed. A fair shot for anyone to be anything including the Prime Minister. However if people of African Descent learned from the Civil Rights Movement we gained small steps starting in communities where okay Blacks became City Councilmen, then Mayors, Congressmen, Senators and now occupy the Presidency of the United State. Do you think there is no Rap going on in the White House or on the IPod’s, I pads of the President and First Lady. While I am sure it’s not the Hardcore Gangsta Rap there is some Rap going on up in there, up in there. So yes African Culture in Music is powerful. Remember this for your movie, music fans. Footloose was about a community of young people who wanted to change the policy about Dancing in a White Community. And remember Communist China blamed the Tiananmen Square uprising on pornography, after they ran over several thousand people with military vehicles. Now some Chinese officials privately admit government culpability and an age of economic renaissance have occurred.

Folks the problem may not be black and white, but a mentality of separation on the Island we call Earth. To my brothers and Sisters in the UK: Even small change is good. Celebrate it as heartbreaking as the lack of respect for our contributions globally. The fact that the discussion is occurring should get you involved in Business, Politics from within. Take the lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Non Violent approach to change. Gaining what we have in America did not happen overnight nor is the struggle over. I am glad the BBC aired this interview because discussion can only lead to understanding. No Discussion No Justice No Peace. What’s your opinion?

Jay O'Conner

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