Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obama Master Multi-Tasker takes on Gas and Energy Savings while dealing with Debt Ceiling

Does anyone think it might be a good idea to get behind the President of the United States instead of lining up to criticise.

Obama proposes to save 12 billion barrels of oil and eliminated 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution.

CNN iReport

Obama proposes to save 12 billion barrels of oil and eliminated 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution.

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Why Barack Obama is the Man for the Job.  While Congress and the Senate go through its machinations to avert the Debt Ceiling Fiasco. Barack Obama continues to do his Job.

Yes he is running for re-election and with all of the opposition the heat is certainly on.

You may believe that this is just a the Administration’s desire to change the discussion from the Debt Ceiling however what I see is an effective President who understand that he must Multi-Task.  He will not have to Exercise the War Powers Act to save the Economy.

However, can Washington lead the world out of recession and unless quite careful a depression.

So Barack Obama’s Campaign has forward this note to me as a supporter and I am sure it will be picked up by mainstream media.  Most likely though not from a positive perspective.  This President has had more to deal with because of the past mistakes of the past administration that anyone else may have already crumbled.

This President found Bin Laden while multi-tasking and has done the same now for the Environment with this announcement.

Where are the supporters of reality?

President Obama while it’s becoming harder and harder to filter the truth from the BS.  Thanks for doing something and handing the job of the Presidency as a Master Multi-tasker.

We hope the programs work and that you will open your Administration to those of us with additional ideas to save billions in revenue and jobs.

The energy Congress and the Senate is giving to cutting they should be spending to generate revenue. There are innovative ways to raise capital, create jobs and some of the greatest minds at Apple, Google, Facebook and yes even WCN has answers to connect the dots to save the global economy.

Again, get a copy of my Anti-Piracy Proposal sent to Michael Blake.  We can raise an additional 50 Billion dollars by implementing WCN’s ANTI-DIGITAL MEDIA FORMAT (APDMF) Utility.

Keep your focus and continue doing your job some of us recognize the pressure and the performance and think you are handling it all quite well under the circumstances.

However, the help you seek is right in front of you through technology advances and small businesses like WCN hoping to get the opportunity to serve.

Now here is your campaign message wrapped in an appeal for a Global Transmedia Summit with the players mentioned.


Jay –

Anyone who cares about the environment and what we pay at the pump needs to hear this news.

The details get a little complicated — I had to study up to write this thing — but bear with me, because this is important.

This week, the President unveiled the next round of a program to make  America‘s cars more efficient — the most important step our country’s  taken to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, cut pollution, and bring  down costs for drivers.

Getting it done meant bringing together  stakeholders — from auto workers and union representatives to  manufacturers and environmental leaders — to offer their two cents and  agree upon a program and set of standards. In light of what’s happening  on Capitol Hill as I write this, it’s a welcome reminder of what can  happen when folks put aside their differences and work together to do  big things for our country.

This announcement follows up on an  aggressive plan that the administration put in place back in 2009,  setting ambitious fuel-efficiency and greenhouse-gas standards for  2012-2016 model cars and trucks. That plan alone is estimated to save  1.8 billion barrels of oil — and save families up to $3,000 at the pump  — over these vehicles’ lifetimes. And this new program, covering model  years 2017-2025, takes real, tangible steps to raise the bar even  higher, nearly doubling the current fuel efficiency of the average car.

This is a big deal. Everyone from truck drivers to farmers to teachers  to business owners feel the burden of transportation costs — and will  feel the effects of these improvements.

Because you’re someone  who has let us know that you’re particularly interested in clean energy  and environmental issues, we wanted to make sure you heard about this  news. We’ve pulled the information you need about this plan into a  graphic you can share with your friends and family.

Check it out, and spread the word.

Here’s what this program will mean in the short term: We’ll start  seeing more electric and hybrid vehicles from manufacturers and more  clean-diesel, efficient SUVs and sedans. Automakers will have new  incentives to make smart, innovative cars and trucks — from the  materials they choose down to the design of their engines and  transmissions. They’ll be turning to start-up companies in the  clean-energy sector and in advanced battery manufacturing, helping to  create jobs across the country.

And in the long term, the results of this program are huge. Here are a couple numbers to show how it will break down:

– By model year 2025, the average American car or truck will get  54.5 miles a gallon (the average car currently gets 23.8 mpg).

– We’ll have saved 12 billion barrels of oil and eliminated 6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution.

– A family that purchases a new car in 2025 will save $8,200 in  fuel costs, compared with what they’d pay for gas for a similar vehicle  bought in 2010.

– All told, American drivers will save nearly $2 trillion over the life of the program.

Take a look at the infographic we’ve put together to learn more about what the President’s announcement means for all of us:

This is something every American needs to hear about, so you should spread the word.



Mitch Stewart

Battleground States Director

Obama for America


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