Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Economic Survival and Transmedia Revenue Share Opportunities

Bob DeSena wrote a timely article for TV Board called we are ALL ENTREPRENEURS NOW. So Now What? WCN Transmedia has some answers that everyone should consider who need to create recurring income given the politics in Washington. Check out the Links to sign up for The Customer Advantage, Social Dish and Triniti Communications. These three opportunities can position your family and business to win even in these uncertain times.

Your Transmedia Brandcasting Partner

We’re All Entrepreneurs Now by Bob DeSena. Now What: Check out this WCN Transmedia Group Recomendations Provided.

WCN Transmedia Group has been preparing for what is fast becoming a Shift in the Financial Systems of the world.  Businesses and Families are going to have to save each other and not rely on the present slate of politicians which has fast become more hated than a Life Insurance Salesman has been for generations.

I know and can say this as I was one of those guys talking about preparing for the contingency if a Loss or an Emergency should happen.

On the WCN Blog you see a number of Business opportunities which we believe are essential for the future of the US. Economy.  With a mix of organizations we are supporting for all people around the world.  If we are ALL ENTREPRENEUR and we ares long gone is the protection of a job or career.

For a moment I would like to speak to the worlds Teachers.  You must diversify your income and continue to teach.  The losses of good teachers to other industries is growing at an alarming rate.

Take a look at The Customer Advantage, Social Dish and Triniti Communications Buttons.  Look carefully at the videos and sign up for Free to diversify your income.

Enjoy the Article.


We’re All Entrepreneurs Now

by Bob DeSena, Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What a show, with dueling arguments and superstar spokesmen. But we can now announce a deal. It’s done. Our long national nightmare is over. With rancorous negotiations behind us, and billions of dollars rescued, the nation is secure.

I speak of course of the NFL Players Association agreement with management. Now we can

get on with our lives, our liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, at least every Sunday. As to that other issue, raising the national credit card limit from $14.3 trillion to, well, whatever is more than that, of course, that will have to wait.

As the world watches in amazement and/or horror on MMTV (minute-to-minute television), we have seven, that’s seven, plans on the table. We have Reid and Boehner and CCB and McConnel

l and G6, the Grand Bargain and The Can (as in kick it). All but The Can have been pronounced as non-st

arters by one side or the other. And that will be vetoed by the President, he says, if Congress dares to pass it in the emergency which is already upon us.

What goes on here?

Deadlines have a way of providing focus, particularly when played out in the stark sight, sound and motion of television, as we watch much of the posturing give way to bottom line positions. And now we have the bottom line. It’s the length of the deal. It’s always been about the length of the deal. One side insists on an extension through 2012. The other side on a multistep process that insures we argue about this again, in the heart of the election season of 2012. Which, of course, will be the ultimate TV show.

There you have it. And with that clarity, let’s understand the depth of the trouble we’re in. Our negotiators have now exposed the motives underlying their by-the-poll positions, and it is likely to have a similar effect: to default itself. That means interest rates rise, credit becomes even scarcer, the business environment gets more difficult. And it’s not a walk in the park now.

So what do we do? For those who have not yet made the mental adjustment, we’re on our own. N

o help is coming to save the day. If we toil at IBM or for a garage start up, we’re all entrepreneurs now.


Joseph Schumpeter, an economist and political scientist, was “a champion of innovation and entrepreneurship,” according to The Economist magazine. From entrepreneurs, or “wild spirit

s” as he called them, come changes in a nation. He believed that these individuals are the ones who make things work. He said an entrepreneur “disturbs equilibrium” and is the prime cause of economic development. And he did not confine his view of the entrepreneur to individuals in new enterprises. He said that innovation also comes from the large companies that have the resources to invest in R&D which drives innovation.

There is one more characteristic of the entrepreneur. It is leadership.

Leadership means the willingness not just to innovate or launch a new enterprise or a new idea, b

ut to accept responsibility for the outcome. It is to be accountable.

All change begins with attitude change. It may be an odd time to think about t

he opportunities ahead of us, because the challenges appear so daunting. But that’s when the largest gains are made. That’s when the game is won.

It is now up to all of us to disturb some equilibrium.

Read more at wcntransmedia.wordpress.com

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