Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As a Transmedia Catalyst and a Sports Fan its time to reveal a new strategy to create new revenue opportuities for the the Entire Sports Industry. Is There a Transmedia Solution to the NFL & NBA Lockouts?

Yes there is and we have the solution. Check out Comment and Repost this Communication. Thanks so much. Lets hope we can bring resolution and get back to watching sports.

Your Transmedia Brandcasting Partner

Is There a Transmedia Solution to the NFL & NBA Lockout?

As a Transmedia Catalyst I am privy to insights that if applied to Major League Sports Globally, can drastically assist in solving the Lock out of the NFL and NBA

The Free Enterprise Systems and Sports is a Cash Machine that has not been rivalled, yet there is a problem that many are overlooking.  The Economy:  The Ticket Prices and Merchandising to support the salaries, rents, maintenance and local economies of each sports franchise.
The new NFL logo went into use at the 2008 draft.

Whether NASCAR Concerts, Movies or sporting events families are struggling to keep the lights, gas and cable TV paid, not to mention things like rent, food and the necessities of life. So what must be done as billionaire owners and millionaire athlete’s posture and fans who can afford to participate are locked out of the next season or so it seems.

First it is more important than ever, for Sports Franchises as well as individual players to understand the Transmedia Story behind the Game and their contribution to the game.

For those clubs who are struggling to pay particular attention to this post, as in it may be some answers to get more butts in the seats – while your Mastermind Coaching Staffs, and Front Office develop that strategy to win the Championship of whatever sport you choose.
Social Media and Transmedia Brandcasting provides viewers with the opportunity to instantly click and buy anything seen from a video clip, music video, feature film and yes even Sporting Events.
Fan Participation in both the consumption and the Transmedia Revenue opportunities for merchandising streaming video has never been suggested before, however, could be the answer to even a fans ability to financially participate in the sports.
Recently a few things happened in the Social Media World that you may want to take note of.  Facebook reaches the 750 Million Friends marked globally.  Both Google and Facebook have entered the Groupon Online Coupon Deal.

In addition to major networks in the US.  Fans want access to Sports Content even live via Mobile and Tablet Devices, however without the commercial interruptions just being mirrored like TV Catchup operates in the UK.

Instead a Transmedia Brandcasted NBA.Com or NFL.Com or for that matter FIFA, PGA, NASCAR you name it and it can be made interactive so that viewers can instantly purchase anything seen or programmed as part of the promotional viewing of the content.. And with some proper planning both Live and Rebroadcasts made available on the web can be made interactive.

The Free Enterprise System allows people to make whatever they are able to  accomplish.  So if you are able to get a NIKE Endorsement Deal then every time you are seen, a fan can click on your shoes and the shoes are dropped in a shopping cart, prepared for your payment and delivery to your home or office.

Well, if you get the shoes, you need the Jersey, shorts, wrist bands and tickets to the next event you want to attend.  If the star has a Rap Album you can click and get the download.  You get the idea!

This revenue does not exist but can mean millions if not billions to the franchise owners and the players.  I challenge the stakeholders to examine this concept and take it to the test phase.  The additional revenue could mean the difference for profitability and could be a win win for all parties especially the Fans whose tax dollars paid for the stadium.  Whose cable Bill allows for the TV contracts and deals that take place.

Examine how the Social Dish and The Customer Advantage can be used to allow athletes the opportunity to increase recurring income that will last longer than their knees and bodies ever will.
From the College Athlete who participates in creating wealth for the college system, but, it precluded from profiting from putting their bodies at risk for conferences like NCAA to Professional Athletes.  There must be a way to create Transmedia Revenue Share Communities to bring prosperity to Fans which will produce the ability to show up in the stands with their Loyalty Merchandise.
From organizing the Second Screens to Jumbotrons Screens at Nascar its time to make the experience interactive, creating new revenue that can save the sports themselves!
Read more at wcntransmedia.wordpress.com

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