Saturday, September 3, 2011

Response to CNN Caferty File Report: How much trouble is President Obama in?

One of the really cool things about having your own blog is that you can choose what you report on and this subject hits right a home. I am a African America, I supported and worked for the Obama Campaign. I have submitted ideas which have thus far gone unanswered in large part. With the exception of Ben Rhoades who attempted to answer my question about The Civil Rights to Platinum Rights Movement and UN Resolution 64/169 proclaiming 2011 as The INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT. Is President Obama in Trouble or is the Nation and the Office of the President going to suffer because of the partisan politics that has poisoned our country. What's your Opinion?

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How much trouble is President Obama in? FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

Last month I wrote an Editorial  “A VIEW FROM A ROOM OUTSIDE WASHINGTON DC The Global Debt Crisis Fact or Fiction”?  Rather than bash the President and his ideas or the ones that actually get to the President for consideration we have decided to create this discussion on the WCN Transmedia Group Blog.

As a African born in America, educated in the NYC School System and the greatest training ground anywhere Wall Street there are a few things I have learned after 53 years on the planet.

First let’s answer Jack Cafferty‘s Question.  President Obama is suffering what Maya Angelo told me personally that David Dinkins suffered from, and that is too much consensus gathering.   Too many voices and might I ad perhaps the wrong voices in some limited circumstances.  Everyone with a brain knows that we are living under the policies of George Bush and The Republican Hard Right Conservative Agenda crafted by Carl Rove, Dick Cheney and was dealt to the American people with a Heavy Hand.

Maya told me then and I believe it to be true.  Make a Decision and know you can

Click to Read Debt Crisis Fact or Fiction?

not be all things to all people and the worse decision is indecision.   Many believe that we could have avoided that Debt  Ceiling Crisis had the President whipped out the Executive Pen and Sign the powerful Executive Order.  To which we pray and say that the Demise of The President may be premature.

The Office of the President is the Highest Office in the Land not The Speakers Office of the House.  Also in my studies I have learned that it ain’t over til its over.   So lets examine what needs to happen in the African-American Community to provide the President the support he received in the first election.

First The Free Enterprise System has a broken Leg however it can be reset and repaired with some innovative but common sense approaches to raising new revenue.

And not a Job Exchange Program from one state to another but sustained new business developing creating new jobs to support the growth of The American Dream.

Especially in that one success out of the 9 fully exceeds the losses of the other nine.

But how can you stimulate the Economy yet not spend or print any new money at the same time.   Okay the two Stimulus packages got stuck and never reached the average American.  Let me ask the Presidential Contenders, Exactly how will you create jobs without spending any money.  Any reasonable person knows and understand that Public Sector Jobs are but one facet to the recovery and all that the Government controls.

And while the Free Enterprise System may have a broken leg it’s not dead.  President Obama can more than recover and before you count out the country by denigrating the man and the office, take a serious look at how this is perceived by the world community that see’s little difference between Bernie Madoff and George Bush.

And Since the Sarah Palin’s of the world want to use rhetoric with little or no substance we must take a real hard look at the alternatives.   President Obama has gotten Bin Laden, with a small team of incredible solders who if had been let loose would have gotten Bin Laden in the time it took together up the rest of the Bin Laden Family to take them out of the country while the rest of the nation couldn’t fly around the block.

For those of us from NY who experience the loss on 9/11 you must ask yourself this question. who among the Republican Candidates who do you think will have your families interest in mind.

While the President is down on political capital with the Congressional Black Caucus it’s also time for some sound ideas that have broad-based appeal to make it profitable for the Super Rich to duplicate themselves and teach the principles of duplication of the success models they have created for themselves and their personal families.

We have ideas on this blog alone that any person can sign up for FREE and start earning residual income for themselves in a 55 Mile Radius of their homes.  We call them Transmedia Revenue Share Communities where the Advertising budgets are leveraged to gain new customers who invite them into their social media world via a click of products seen via Streaming Video using TV Everywhere Convergent Technologies.

Creating a duplicate process to allow the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM to recover and drive profits into the hands of Americans who would work if they had the opportunity.  Today with an Internet Connection an Unemployed person can build a Blog and launch a Media Company with many tools that are absolutely FREE to set up, manage and prosper from.


IS PRESIDENT OBAMA IN TROUBLE?  No President Obama will be just fine with or without a Second Term.  The Nation is the focus and families being able to make ends meet is all that we really care about.  Above all else May God Bless America and The President of the United States.  May the spirit of his accomplishments overshadow the distractions which are counterproductive and dangerous for the future of the Office of the Presidency itself.  But what do you think?  This Early Election Season is a further distraction from undoing the Bush Debacle and finally supporting what may be the Greatest Multi-Tasking President in History.   I saw a list of his accomplishments and few Presidents in history have had more decisions to make on a daily basis. And for all of you people of African Descent.  The UN Declared 2011 the International Year for People of African Descent.  Every Classroom, Church, Political Meeting, Family Reunion should be shouting this milestone to the rooftops.  One Man that I have met since my studies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has come up with a plan for people of African Descent.  It is the CIVIL RIGHTS TO PLATINUM RIGHTS MOVEMENT and International Goodwill Ambassador Oscar J. Webb is  (The Architect).  Together with WCN we are launching 2011 Songs for Africa to celebrate the accomplishments of People of African Descent around the world.  Join us  Leave your comments here and perhaps I will do a CNN I-Report with your response.

How much trouble is President Obama in?

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

The following is an understatement: Heading into an election year, President Obama has some “issues”… and they start very close to home.

Top black leaders are criticizing the president. They say he hasn’t focused enough on problems devastating the African-American community – things like poverty, civil rights and jobs.

The unemployment rate among blacks is almost 16%, and for young African-Americans, it’s nearly 40%. Nationally, unemployment is a shade over 9%.

The congressional black caucus recently challenged the president in a series of town halls. Leaders say they don’t know what his jobs plan is for the black community, and “we want him to come out on our side and advocate, not to watch and wait.”

Politico reports the president is reportedly angry that black leaders aren’t giving him credit for achievements like health care reform and protecting medicaid – things that will help minority communities.

But here’s the bottom line: If President Obama wants to win a second term, he needs blacks to come out in record numbers like they did in 2008 – especially in states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

African-Americans will likely vote for Mr. Obama overwhelmingly, but the question remains how high turnout will be.

And it’s not just blacks. The president is also losing support among another key Democratic voting bloc: Women.

A new Gallup poll shows a record low of 41% of women approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing. That’s a 30-point drop since he first took office.

Overall, a recent CNN poll shows that more than 1 in 4 Democrats think the party should nominate someone other than President Obama in 2012. And, 2/3 of all Americans give him a thumbs-down on the economy – the nation’s top issue.

Like I said… saying the president has some “issues” is an understatement.

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